How we see ourselves | Methods | Types of Studies
Each product area, each research question, requires its own research method and its own survey design.
simmelbarsch.forschung offers you individual study designs, tailored to your specific research questions by employing the complete spectrum of ad-hoc market research methods. In the market research process we see ourselves as the intermediary between marketing and the consumer, in terms of:
- Translation of your research questions into consumer speak and the employment of techniques to obtain valid answers
- Translation of consumer answers into marketing decisions and strategic recommendations
What we do:
- Consult on the form of questioning to ensure valid consumer answers
- Develop creative methods tailored to your research questions
- Consult on the development and co-ordination of stimulus material (e.g. verbal concepts, communication ideas or mood-boards)
- Conduct qualitative and quantitative studies
- Provide qualitative and quantitative research – a one-stop resource – just one contact and the assurance that your contact has competency in both areas
- Provide clear marketing and strategy recommendations