How we see ourselves | Methods | Types of Studies
What you get:
In the area of quantitative research:
- Research and questionnaire design tailored specifically to your research questions
- Quantitative studies which have a high "qualitative“ content. With projects requiring a larger number of subjects, we can simultaneously conduct an intensive evaluation of customer attitudes and understanding e.g.
- Basic research to link buying behaviour, attitudes, moral concepts and positioning
In the area of qualitative research:
- Intensive workshops and focus groups which deploy various tools. e.g.
- associative and projective methods to overcome rational barriers
- small working groups, parallel groups or self-completion questionnaires, to break down typical group dynamics
- Funnel Sessions to continually and interactively develop and optimise:
- concepts
- products
- communication ideas
- Facts & Insights: this combines qualitative and quantitative methods. Facts & Insights provides you with double assurance in terms of
- statistical validation of results
- comprehension of motives and attitudes which lie behind the results
- Sights & Insights: this multi-method approach places the person (consumer) right in the centre of his everyday life and allows you to observe his attitudes and behaviours. Delving deeper into his daily life enables you to acquire a complete holistic psychological understanding of
- the consumer
- the brand
- the brand worlds
- Psychoanalytical based conversations:
- basic understanding of consumers
- rational and emotional resistances to products, ad ideas
- general and specific habits and attitudes